
Sila Health connects users to trained healthcare professionals through the use of popular chat platforms such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and SMS.

To reduce the burden on our volunteer network, we use artificial intelligence to provide intermediate access to basic healthcare.

Our platform readily assists decision makers to identify methods of advancing healthcare by leveraging comprehensive datasets. Sila Health grants decision makers access to real-time data that informs critical insights into prominent disease outbreaks in hard-to-reach areas.

For this reason, our toolkit is an essential addition to every local government response.

We provide the following to local governments

Local governments can share critical updates on the pandemic to residents through SMS, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger

Our platform helps identify people who may have coronavirus symptoms in order to keep low-risk patients from clogging up hospitals.
Users can take a test to assess their symptoms through our World Health Organisation symptom checker in their own language on any mobile phone

We collect geographic and human network information for cases identified as potential positives to assist with contact tracing in remote and/or densely populated areas.

We collect anonymised data and analysing health trends in each locale, providing real-time insight into the spread of other diseases, pandemics, and the prevalence of drug resistance.

Case Study

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Our partnership with the City of Bulawayo’s Health Department has bolstered their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19, disseminate critical information at scale, and measure the impact of their policies.

To date, our AI chatbot has answered general questions related to the virus and our assessment questionnaire drastically reduced the burden on the city’s testing capacity.

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Key Results

Improvement in patient outreach
0 %
Reduction in call center queries
0 %

Our platform is prepared to handle high volumes of traffic & supply real-time data

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Our Mission

Connecting people across Africa to healthcare, on any mobile device

Follow Us

Phone: +263 780 515 526


Information is not a complete description of benefits. Call +31 64 773 6885 for more information. Limitations and restrictions may apply. Plan performance is assessed each year and may change from one year to the next. Benefits, subscription premiums, and/or surcharges may change on January 1 of each year. The formulary, pharmacy network, and/or provider network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary.
Last Updated: 29/03/2021

Sila Health is registered in Zimbabwe as a private limited company. ZIMRA tax clearance No. 0200292630