Is Sila Health available in my country?

Yes, our chatbot is available for use across the world although we might not have healthcare providers in your country specifically.

What device can I use?

Any phone that has either WhatsApp Messenger or Facebook Messenger installed can access Sila Health services.

What are your operating hours?

Sila Health is available 24/7, including on holidays.

Is the service free?

Yes, Sila Health services are free for all users. However, we may refer you to trained healthcare professionals who may request a fee in order to conduct consultations. You are of course not obligated to pay for any service you can not afford.

Is Sis Joyce a real person?

No, “Sis Joyce” is the personification of our Artificially Intelligent chatbot. While “she” may connect you to real doctors and nurses via chat “she” is not human.

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Connecting people across Africa to healthcare, on any mobile device

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Phone: +263 780 515 526


Information is not a complete description of benefits. Call +31 64 773 6885 for more information. Limitations and restrictions may apply. Plan performance is assessed each year and may change from one year to the next. Benefits, subscription premiums, and/or surcharges may change on January 1 of each year. The formulary, pharmacy network, and/or provider network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary.
Last Updated: 29/03/2021

Sila Health is registered in Zimbabwe as a private limited company. ZIMRA tax clearance No. 0200292630